Danielle Thiéry
President of the Police Jury
Honorary Chief Superintendent of the National Police, writer & screenwriter
She was one of the first women admitted onto the police force in 1969, was promoted to Captain in 1976, and became the first female Chief of Police in French history in 1991. Her career consisted of three phases: juveniles, drugs, and vice in Lyon; then air and rail transportation; and finally chief of security for Air France, France Télécom and La Poste. Passionate about crime literature and movies, she has written more than 20 books. She won the Quai des Orfèvres Prize for her crime novel “Des clous dans le cœur” in 2013. She also worked on the writing of the television series Quai N°1. Her latest novel, “Amnésie”, a sequel to the children’s series “Antony and Olympe Marin”, was published by Syros last year.